Someone Said…


Assalamualaikum guys,

Lumrah seorang gadis, bila ada masalah jer mesti mood menaip tu sampai walaupun takde ape nak di ceritakan. Ni pun berkaitan hal peribadi, tetiba hari ni rasa down jer.. terasa macam peristiwa MAc 2010 bakal berulang. Tapi biarkanlah.. Lupakan aje kerana ada yang mengingatkan :-


“there's nothing people can help you, except yourself. in relationship realm, your maturity help you to solve the problem. it's not bad idea to ask others to help, but prove to them that you can stand firm without relying to others. because in the end, it is you who step trough the door~”

“strength is most common problem for people. it's more like "Can I?" or "Why?". stop questioning and start to find the solution now. it's good to start "what should I do to solve this?", or perhaps "It should end, now and forever!". adding for question on top existing question wouldn't help ^ ^ there's strength inside everyone, you only need to find it :D”



Thanks kawan coz sudi mengingatkan.. :) . So I need to be strong :)


bell said…
hehehehheheh/....mcm knl je ayat2 niiii...:p
a said…
fly from mexico! jum follow2. btw, nice belog =D
Unknown said…
@bellala u ni, tu kan da mention name org yg bagi nasihat tu.. heheehe...
Unknown said…
@Mya thanks mya... nt I melawat u balek.. :)

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